Remnants of the Earth – Macgown / Mendham


Remnants of the Earth – Annette Macgown and Janelle Mendham

This exhibition brings together two different perspectives on the Remnants of the Earth through Annette Macgown’s and Janelle Mendham’s works.

Macgown’s large-scale, immersive oil paintings rich in colour and texture, interrogate the Tasmanian landscape of the ‘Hydro’. Our global energy usage is brought to mind through industrial sublime images depicting hydro towers, power lines, dams and the skeletons of drowned trees.

In opposition to Macgown’s man-made landscapes, the joint weight and fragility of Mendham’s sculptural forms and drawings remind us of the earth’s natural remains.  Using clay, branches, bone and charcoal … the material literally comes from the earth, resulting in works that are both primal and archetypal.